(INTRO) Clips of video footage – a couple smiling, film throughout a day and cut images (drinking together, walking around) – balloons – birds flying from the ground, london at night – buildings – spinning.. flowers, driving, drinking coffee – clouds moving (sped up)
When the lights go out - Candles, small lights, the sunset, street lights, bedroom lights., night time in london, walking around together filming our faces smiling, holding hands, feet walking
Will you take me with you? - Hands held out, walking behind , questioning? Writing on a paper? Text message? Typing on a computer screen..
And carry all this broken bone – Broken bones drawn on skin, bones on a rag like a traditional bag and stick, picking up the pieces of the other person. Birds flying. Spinning images of london at night
Through six years down in crowded rooms - crowded streets, through school corridors, Kiss
And highways I call home - Bridges above dual carriageways / highways – hugging, walking toward each other, just filming of the roads with cars going across them – sped up ti create a slow exposure style image?
Is something I can't know till now – question marks – make from cardboard and have around characters bodies? - character questioning through mouth. Laying on a bed together smiling and snuggled up
Till you picked me off the ground – getting into a car? Lifting off the ground? Letting balloons go
With brick in hand, your lip gloss smile – brick in hand , new shot , smile with lipstick / gloss on – obvious, maybe smudged?
Your scraped up knees and – scraped knees – plasters? Knees in tights, show heels, feet walking in streets, knee height camera angles
If you stay – laying on a bed together looking above, saying lyrics together / in a car driving, saying the lyrics together – holding hands, birds flying, clouds moving
I would even wait all night – sped up filming of the sun setting of of the sky (hopefully catching planes flying and clouds moving) or filming of a house from the outside, silhouettes moving around – lights turning off.
Or until my heart explodes – cartoon hearts bursting? Blood coming from beneath a top?
How long? - time ticking?
Until we find our way – maps to leading to each others hearts? Blind folded and finding each other? - woods maybe?
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want – These three lines characters driving in the dark, maybe stopping somewhere above where bright lights are seen and saying the words to each other?
Terrified of what I'd be – hands covering eyes, cowering in corner of a room?
As a kid from what I'd seen – kids playground? Empty? But everything still moving around?
Every single day – Calendar changing days over
When people try – trying to pull a character away
And put the pieces back together – giant puzzle pieces laying ontop of characters on a bed
Just to smash them down - ripping pieces apart
Turn my headphones up real loud – characters both with headphones on , saying the words
I don't think I need them now
'Cause you stop the noise and-- - taking off the headphones off and saying lyrics to each other hugging? Kiss?
If you stay – laying on a bed together looking above, saying lyrics together / in a car driving, saying the lyrics together – holding hands
I would even wait all night – sped up filming of the sun setting of of the sky (hopefully catching planes flying and clouds moving) or filming of a house from the outside, silhouettes moving around – lights turning off.
Or until my heart explodes – cartoon hearts bursting? Blood coming from beneath a top?
How long? - time ticking?
Until we find our way – maps to leading to eachothers hearts? Blind folded and finding eachother? - woods maybe?
Anytime you want – character saying this?
Anytime you want – character saying this? - different locations?
Don't walk away (x3) – characters saying this
'Cause if you stay
I would even wait all night – sleeping, filming of the sun set ?
Or until my heart explodes – hearts?
How long? - clock ticking, calendar days falling?
Until we find our way – again maps or finding eachother?
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me – sitting somewhere in dusk saying lyrics?
You can write it on your arm – I love you, written on arms.
You can run away with me - kiss and then runaway from the camera
Anytime you want – fade out.....