A lot of the promotional posters featured on My Chemical Romances website and promo website are bright and colourful, gearing away from previous ideologies of the band and moving in a new direction. They seem to be exploring the freedom of their art form more and this is definitely visible in their products.
Above is my favourite poster of their new collection, I like the mixed signals you get from the poster, rather than being cold and unattractive vivid colours are used which also are used in the bands music videos.
Red is an important colour featured in this poster, this is reinforced by the word 'exterminate,' giving a visible and verbal reasoning for the posters layout and colours. The shots of each band member I find attractive because they resemble head shots taken by police, as if their convicts and in the story of the CD; runaways trying to fight against evil.
The animated feeling of the poster, the exaggerated hair and costume, though minimal adds a lot of body and meaning to the images, showing messed up hair and dishevelled appearances, something if involved with the CD's storyline, you would expect.
The elements of obvious colour choices against a storyline is something I'd really like to incorporate into my music video, by doing this a simple poster becomes a connection between fans, the work and product and the band, giving the music a personal, relatable feeling.
I love this poster so much! I love the way it looks like part of a scrap wall on a bedroom, a collection of images all related to the band, I like the way each persons personality is involved in the over all image and how I immediately feel a connect toward the poster and band.
I like the use of minimal colour involved and how the images though black and white really stand out, possibly because of the almost tactile looking staples and tape making the poster look as if it would have a texture if you were to touch it.
Though spurs and not presented in the traditional way expected each band member does have a vertical section of the poster, each member have a series of images that show their personality, horizontally all the images connect, the top line are all face on smirking shots. This both shows the relationships between band members and gives their audience an insight into their personal lives without words or moving images. Another small detail I really like about the poster is the way the pictures aren’t perfectly aligned or positioned, again giving a personal, tactile feeling to the poster.